HomeEvents 2019-20Value Added Course on “Hands on Wheels with Clay”

Value Added Course on “Hands on Wheels with Clay”

Course TitleHands on Wheels with Clay
Resource FacultyShri Satish Joshi
PiCA Faculty Co-ordinatorAr Sarojini Lohot
Duration - Dates and Total Hours20th to 22nd January, 2020, Total 30 Hours
No. of Students attended257

Biography of the Resource Faculty
He is an artisan from Korakendra (an Institution of Khadi and Village Industry Commission, Gov. India). He has learnt hand made pottery from Pondicherry. He runs a pottery studio near Panvel. He conducts workshops in various schools and colleges. He is teaching clay and pottery in Oberoi International School, Ecole Mondiale World school, Mount literary School and Shishuvan School. He runs an NGO called ‘Gramini’ for village youth women and school children.

Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (1)Lecture on Day 1
Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (2)
Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (3)
Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (4)
Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (5)Fun with clay
Community-Service-Day-Inclusive-Social-Service (6)Making of Pot on wheel

Course Description
Playing with clay is like going back to our childhood and having the fun of handling the clay with knowledge of its properties and techniques. Workshop will allow students to experience the clay in hands and on wheels. Workshop will help them to understand the verities of clay available in the surrounding and realizing the importance of the natural resources. Students will be informed about the process of making and storing the clay. Workshop will allow students to learn different techniques of handling the clay by making various shapes.

Course Objectives
To understand the clay as modelling material and its properties in terms of aesthetics in art and design.

Course Outcome
Models of clay understanding its proportions, limitations and detailing using hands as well as wheel.

Course Plan

20th January, 20208:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Lecture on Clay as a material, its properties and the constitution of Soil
12.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.How to make the clay – its aging and methods of preparing it. Different hand techniques of using clay – pulling, pinching, etc.
21st January, 20208:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Hands on experience of making clay Ganesha by these techniques. Students made idols/ human faces by these techniques.
12.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.Demonstration of how to use wheel and types of wheel. Satishji showed how to use the electric wheel and make a pot in batches. How to make patterns on the surface etc.
22nd January, 20208:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Hands on wheel – making of clay pots on wheel. Students experimented with the wheel and made various sizes of pots. Using the wheel for making various types of pots, each student used the wheel to make variations of clay pots.
12.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.Discussion, review of the final outcome and methods to improve further. Students asked questions regarding the techniques and understood solutions. Preparation of final presentation, all the items were moved to the display area for display. Final presentation and exhibition – the exhibition show cased the best techniques used by students.